AWS Topic: AWS Config



What is the purpose of the service?


AWS config is a service that enables you to ASSESS, AUDIT, and EVALUATE the configurations for all of your AWS resources.  You can review changes in configurations, relationships between AWS resources, and see detailed resource configuration histories. 


Why does it exist?  What problem does it solve? What business purpose does it enable?


It exists to simplify compliance auditing, security analysis, change management, and operational troubleshooting.  You can determine your overall compliance against the configurations specified in internal guidelines.


With so many configuration options, it can be a challenge to ensure your resources are efficient, security and complying with best practices.  This can help you determine if your resources comply with government regulations or industry best-practices across all regions.


AWS Config is a fully managed service that provides you with an AWS resource inventory, configuration history, and configuration change notifications to enable security and governance


What are its features and benefits?


·         Continuous Monitoring – continuously monitor and record configuration changes of your AWS resources.

·         Continuous Assessment – continuously audit and assess overall compliance of AWS resources

·         Change Management – track relationships among resources and resource dependencies.

·         Operational Troubleshooting – get a comprehensive history of resource configuration changes to simplify troubleshooting.

·         Enterprise-wide compliance monitoring – multi-account, multi-region data aggregation

·         Support for third party resources – can be primary tool to perform configuration audit and compliance of AWS and third-party resources. (ie Git-hub, Microsoft AD resources, or an on-premises server into AWS)

·         With AWS config you avoid the complexity of installing and updating agents for data collection or maintaining large databases of configurations.

How does it work?


AWS Config records point-in-time configuration details for your AWS resources as Configuration Items (CIs)


You define policies, and then receive a notification when the resource deviates from these rules.  If it finds a non-compliant resource, it provides automatic remediation to get back to security and compliant status.

·         Record changes of your AWS resources

·         Inventory of AWS resources and configurations, as well as software configurations.

·         Sends SNS notification for review and action.

·         Continuous Assessment

·         Define rules for provisioning and configuring resources

·         Noncompliant configurations trigger an SNS notification and cloudwatch events.




When should it be used? (Use cases)

·         DISCOVERY - When you need to discover resources that exist in your current account, record the configuration, and capture any changes to these configurations.   Retains configuration details for deleted resources. 

·         CONTINUOUS COMPLIANCE (Compliance as CODE) – use your AWS config rules to create code that is deployed as a “conformance package”  using AWS Systems Manager.

·         TROUBLESHOOTING – identify recent configuration changes that may have caused problems in your configuration.

·         SECURITY ANALYSIS – continuously monitor AWS resources for security weaknesses


Who uses this type of service?

Auditors, Security Professionals, Operations managers, who are concerned about the security, compliance, and performance of applications. – System engineers who are troubleshooting configuration issues.

What is it NOT appropriate for? Where is it NOT a fit?

Are there services related to this AWS feature?


·         You can use it to track activity logs for Lambda, EC2, S3, for specific events.


·         SNS is used for notification of non-compliance.


·         CloudTrail records are used to correlate configuration changes to particular events in your account. You can use a CI to answer “What did my AWS resource look like?” at a point in time. You can use AWS CloudTrail to answer “Who made an API call to modify this resource?


·         Author remediation actions with AWS Systems Manager Automation documents to package AWS config rues into a comformance pack that can be deployed across and organization.


·         AWS Security Hub is a security and compliance service that provides security and compliance posture management as a service. It uses AWS Config and Config rules as its primary mechanism to evaluate the configuration of AWS resources. AWS Config rules can also be used to evaluate resource configuration directly. Config rules are also used by other AWS services, such AWS Control Tower and AWS Firewall Manager

What roles or permissions do I need to use the service?


AWS account administrator


What does it cost to use this service?


You are charged based on:

·          The number of configuration items recorded

·         The number of active AWS Config Rule evaluations

·         The number of conformance pack evaluations in your account

First 100,000 rule evaluations

$0.001 per rule evaluation per region

Next 400,000 rule evaluations (100,001-500,000)

$0.0008 per rule evaluation per region

500,001 and more rule evaluations

$0.0005 per rule evaluation per region


Conformance pack evaluations


First 1,000,000 conformance pack evaluations

$0.0012 per conformance pack evaluation per Region

1,000,001- 25,000,000 conformance pack evaluations

$0.001 per conformance pack evaluation per Region

25,000,001 and more

$0.0008 per conformance pack evaluation per Region

Where do I access the service?


You can lookup current and historical resource configuration using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface or SDKs

What are the service features?


Availability: Multi AZ, Multi-Region?  Which regions do not have this service?


·         Data aggregation in AWS Config allows you to aggregate AWS Config data from multiple accounts and regions into a single account and a single region. Multi-account data aggregation is useful for central IT administrators to monitor compliance for multiple AWS accounts in the enterprise.




1.     Automatic Remediation of Non-compliant resources

2.    Evaluate existing configuration against desired ones and continuously track changes against your other resources to better analyze efficiency or performance

3.    Dashboard displays on your configuration console so you can see compliance and a resource inventory at a glance.

4.    Integrate AWS with other AWS services



How do I create the service?  What information is required to create the service?  What are the requirements for the service? Definitions…


1.      A configuration item is a record of the configuration state of a resource in your AWS account

2.    Config Rule represents desired configurations for a resource and is evaluated against configuration changes on the relevant resources, as recorded by AWS Config. AWS managed rules: AWS managed rules are pre-built and managed by AWS. You simply choose the rule you want to enable, then supply a few configuration parameters to get started. Customer managed rules: Customer managed rules are custom rules, defined and built by you. You can create a function in AWS Lambda that can be invoked as part of a custom rule and these functions execute in your account. You can create up to 150 rules in your AWS account by default

3.    Any rule can be setup as a change-triggered rule or as a periodic rule. A change-triggered rule is executed when AWS Config records a configuration change for any of the resources specified. Additionally, one of the following must be specified:

·         Tag Key:(optional Value): A tag key:value implies any configuration changes recorded for resources with the specified tag key:value will trigger an evaluation of the rule.

·         Resource type(s): Any configuration changes recorded for any resource within the specified resource type(s) will trigger an evaluation the rule.

·         Resource ID: Any changes recorded to the resource specified by the resource type and resource ID will trigger an evaluation of the rule.

4.    Evaluation of a rule determines whether a rule is compliant with a resource at a particular point in time. Config rules will capture and store the result of each evaluation. This result will include the resource, rule, time of evaluation and a link to Configuration Item (CI) that caused non-compliance. A resource is compliant if complies with all rules that apply to it. Otherwise it is noncompliant


5.    A conformance pack is a collection of Config rules and remediation actions that is built using a common framework and packaging model in AWS Config


6.    An aggregator is an AWS Config resource type that collects AWS Config data from multiple accounts and regions. Use an aggregator to view the resource configuration and compliance data recorded in AWS Config for multiple accounts and regions.


7.     Components of a configuration item:



Notes and questions:


1.    Can this audit non-cloud resources? – Apparently yes – it says you can publish the configuration of third-party servers on-premise.
